Your DiY Health Tips Click below to reveal your Do iT Yourself Health tip for the week: ARROW Walk around your office, use a standing desk, and spend your free time being active to lower your risk for diabetes. A review of 47 studies on sedentary behavior showed that, regardless of physical activity, prolonged sedentary time was independently associated with a 91% increased risk for type 2 diabetes. Tweet Previous Tips Chocolate isn't just for special occasions. Eating one piece of chocolate daily can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease by 39%. An 8-year German study of almost 20,000 people showed daily consumption of 7.5 g of milk/dark* chocolate was linked to a 39% lower risk of having a stroke or heart attack compared to those who ate the same only 1-2 times weekly. Tweet Tweet Eat a slice of 100% whole grain bread with each meal daily to help reduce your risk of small intestinal cancer. A study of 492,321 people showed that those who consumed at least 8.4 g of fiber from grains (e.g. 3 slices of 100% whole grain bread) daily had a reduced risk of developing small intestinal cancer by 49% compared to those who rarely ate fiber from grains. Tweet Tweet Stay positive if you have cancer -- it could help you win the battle. A study of 1,646 breast cancer patients showed that depression is associated with an increased risk of death for younger women (<45 years) with early stage breast cancer by 882% - that is not a typo! Tweet Tweet Dim the lights before bedtime to optimize your brain's release of melatonin, the sleep hormone that also fights cancer. A study of 116 healthy people showed that exposure to room light in the evening (8 hours before bedtime) delayed the onset of melatonin, a hormone that regulates physiological processes like sleep, in 99% of participants, and it shortened melatonin duration by 90 minutes. Tweet Tweet Enjoy 1 cup of green tea each day to reduce your risk of stomach cancer. In a study of 799 people, consuming 1 cup of green tea 5 - 7 times a week decreased their risk of developing gastric cancer by 81% compared to non-tea drinkers. Tweet Tweet If you smoke, there's a reason to quit and smile: A New Year's resolution to cease smoking can lower your risk of lung cancer by more than 20%! In a 24-yr study of 104,519 women, smokers had a 21% reduced risk of dying from lung cancer in the first 5 yrs of smoking cessation, and an 87% reduced risk of getting lung cancer after 20-30 yrs of smoking cessation. Tweet Tweet Pumpkin, yams, and squash are not just for the holidays! Eat more than 1/4 cup daily to reduce your risk of malignant melanoma, the skin cancer that kills. In a study of 1,058 people, those who ate more than 1/4 cup of foods rich in carotenoids (winter squash, yams, pumpkin) daily were 38% less likely to develop malignant melanoma. Tweet Tweet Add apples, peaches, nectarines, and pears to your grocery list-eating two a day can help ward off esophageal cancer. In a study of 490,802 people, those who consumed 2 medium fruits a day (apples, peaches, nectarines, or pears) had a reduced risk of developing esophageal cancer by 66% over 5 years. Tweet Tweet Know a moody college kid? 8 servings of fruit or veggies a day can improve their mood and attitude! In a 3-week study of 281 college undergrads, eating 7-8 servings of fruit or veggies each day improved their emotional well-being. Tweet Tweet Cycle towards cheerfulness-pedaling just 15 minutes a day can boost your mood. A study of 10 adults showed that pedaling for 15 minutes at a moderate intensity improved mood. Tweet Tweet Sit by a window at work-- it can help you sleep more at night. In a study of 49 employees, those who worked by windows averaged 46 minutes more sleep per night during the workweek than their counterparts who worked without windows. Tweet Tweet Use a standing desk at work instead of a chair -- it can help you live longer. A study of 16,586 Canadian adults followed over 12 years showed that, for those who are normally physically inactive, standing more is associated with lower mortality rates. Tweet Tweet Eat baked or broiled fish at least once a week. It can help improve memory and cognition as you age. In a study of 260 healthy seniors, eating baked or broiled fish at least once a week over 9 years resulted in a 14% increase in gray matter in an area of the brain involved in memory and cognition. Tweet Tweet A 10 minute massage can fight the blues by lowering stress hormones. In a study of 100 working adults, a 10 minute massage decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol by 24%, and decreased job stress, anxiety, and depression. Tweet Tweet Cool your bedroom to 66°F (18.89°C) when you sleep-- it could fire up metabolic health. In a 4 month study of 5 healthy men, sleeping in room temperature of 66°F (18.89°C) for 1 month resulted in a 42% increase in bodily brown fat ("good fat"), which is linked to boosting metabolic health and improved insulin sensitivity. Tweet Tweet Workout with your friends- it can give you a better rush. In a study of 12 male college athletes, rowing in groups released a higher amount of endorphins than rowing alone. Tweet Tweet When at the salad bar, don't forget to add beans-- it can lower your risk for intestinal cancer. In a study of 492,321 people, consuming 1/2 cup of cooked beans a day decreased the risk of developing small intestinal cancer by 51% compared to those who rarely ate beans. Tweet Tweet Need a boost? Do something fun and make up your mind to become happier doing it- just believing makes it work! In a study of 68 college students, those who intended to feel happier after listening to happy music for five 15-minute sessions over 2 weeks did feel happier, compared to those who did not intend to feel happier. Tweet Tweet Get at least 7 hours of sleep each night to lower your risk for colon cancer. In a study of 1,240 people getting screened for colon cancer, those who slept 6 hours or less each night had a 47% increased risk of colon adenomas, a precursor for colon cancer, compared to those who slept 7 hours or more each night. Tweet Tweet Schedule treadmill time with your TV shows-- it could help you live longer! In a 6.6-year study of 8,800 adults, those who sat 4+ hours a day watching TV were 80% more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than those who watched 2 hours or less daily. Tweet Tweet Add 2 tablespoons of onions, garlic, or shallots to your meals daily-- you'll get great flavor and cancer protection! In a European study of 411,097 people, eating about 2 tbsp of chopped onions, garlic or shallots daily decreased their risk of developing lymphoma by 59% compared to those who ate very little onions, garlic or shallots. Tweet Tweet Click on that cute puppy link you find online- it can help you focus afterwards! A Japanese study of 48 people showed that viewing images of young animals can improve performance in tasks that require careful attention. Tweet Tweet Find what helps you get a good night's sleep. Uninterrupted sleep can help you survive cancer. In a study of 97 breast cancer patients, those with the least interrupted sleep survived an average of 68.9 months, while those with the most interrupted sleep survived just 33.2 months. Tweet Tweet Add an ice cube to your green tea to reduce your risk of esophageal cancer. A six year study of 450 people showed that drinking scalding hot tea at temperatures above 80°C (176°F) can increase esophageal cancer risk by 374%. Tweet Tweet Keep close ties with family, friends and your community-- it can help you live longer! Analysis of 6-year data for 2,100 adults age 50 and older found that feeling extreme loneliness can increase risk for premature death by 14%. (Abstract). Tweet Tweet Sleep at least 6 hours a night to keep from being as good as drunk. A study showed that a week of sleeping 4 or 5 hours a night induces impairment equivalent to a blood alcohol level of .10%. Tweet Tweet Bike for 30 minutes daily to improve your brain function In a study of 10 healthy men, 30 minutes of cycling at a moderate intensity showed significant improvement in cognitive function. Tweet Tweet Just beet it! Eat a cup of beets per week to cut your risk of stomach cancer In a Swedish study of 1,732 people, consuming at least 1 cup of sliced beets per week reduced the risk of developing stomach cancer by 60% compared to those who consumed little or no beets. Tweet Tweet Invest in your friendships: call your best pal to catch up. Social bonds help you live longer! Analysis of research studies that followed 308,849 individuals showed people who had stronger social relationships were 50% more likely to be alive at 7 years, regardless of age, sex, and initial health status. Tweet Tweet Protect yourself from diabetes by getting 7 hours of sleep a night. A study of 1,486 people found that those who sleep less than 5 hours a night are 2.5 times as likely to have diabetes than those who sleep 7 hours. Tweet Tweet Want to live longer? Commute to work on a bike. In a Danish study of 17,265 men, those who biked to work had a 28% reduced risk of mortality regardless of how active they were otherwise. Tweet Tweet Coffee doesn't just wake you up; it helps keep diabetes at bay! A meta-analysis of almost 500,000 people showed every additional cup of coffee consumed in a day is associated with a 7% reduction in risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Tweet Tweet Don't be an old grump: Stay positive to lower your blood pressure. A study of 2,564 seniors with hypertension showed that positive emotion significantly decreased their blood pressure. Tweet Tweet Sleep more than 7 hours a night to ward off ovarian cancer. In a study of 45,662 women aged 40-69, those who slept more than 7 hours a night were 60% less likely to develop ovarian cancer over a period of 7.2 years than those who slept 6 hours or less a night. Tweet Tweet Consider your housework a workout! 1 hour a day of activities like cleaning & gardening lowers your risk of dying from cardiovascular disease. A study of over 2,000 men showed engaging in 1 hour of moderate to heavy physical activity each day (house work, gardening, dog-walking, dancing or sports) reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 33% over 40 years. Tweet Tweet New brain food! Use olive oil in cooking and dressings to reduce your risk of stroke by 41%. A 5-year study of 7,625 people showed those who used olive oil for both cooking and dressing had a 41% lower risk of stroke compared to those who never used olive oil. Tweet Tweet Cultivate your happiness-it will help you stay independent in the times ahead. A 2-year study of 2,282 seniors found those who reported high emotional well-being were 50% less likely to become functionally disabled in performing activities of daily living. Tweet Tweet Stick to your body's natural rhythm and don't burn midnight oil. Melatonin, which blocks cancer growth, is produced at night when we sleep. A 7-year study of 928 men showed those who had higher levels of melatonin had a 75% reduced risk for developing prostate cancer. Tweet Tweet If you have a favorite TV show, watch it in the gym on the treadmill, elliptical, or bike! A 6.5-year follow-up of AusDiab study participants found that every 1-hour increment in sedentary TV time is associated with an 11% increased risk for all-cause mortality and 18% increased risk for dying from cardiovascular disease. Tweet Tweet Another reason to savor the flavor: your coffee habit protects you from Parkinson's. Reap the benefits with 3 cups a day! A meta-analysis with 901,764 people found that 3 cups of coffee a day reduced the risk of developing Parkinson's disease by 28%. Tweet Tweet Use happy emoticons liberally in emails, texts, and chats when appropriate. Your recipients will love the results ;) A recent study of 20 people showed that the widespread use of emoticons-e.g. smile icon in upright position :) - has re-wired the human brain to respond as if seeing a real human smile. Tweet Tweet Not feeling like yourself today? Sleep deprivation actually alters the behavior of your genes. Don't go for a week without enough sleep! A study of 26 people found that just 1 week of sleeping less than 6 hours per night is associated with changes in the activities of more than 700 genes in an individual. Tweet Tweet Stand up for your health! Don't sit around after work hours - it can be deadly, even if you exercise. A 10 year study of 82,000 men showed that those who sat, outside of work hours, for 5 hours or more were 34% more likely to develop heart failure, compared to those who only sat 2 hours or less, no matter how much they exercised. Tweet Tweet Spice it up! Eat curry at least once a month to bring more oxygen to your brain. In a study of 2,478 people, eating turmeric-rich curry once a month or more had a positive effect on pulmonary function (breathing) compared to rarely or never consuming curry. Tweet Tweet Happiness is a gut feeling. Take care of your emotional well-being to lower your risk of colorectal cancer! In a study of 3,177 people covering 24 years, those who reported a history of dysphoria before or during the study had a 254% increased risk of developing colorectal cancer compared to those who had no history of dysphoria. Tweet Tweet Pay it Forward: Exercise vigorously 4+ hours a week to lower your risk of breast cancer by 67% A study of 3,570 women showed those who vigorously exercised > 4 hours a week in their 40-50s were 67% less likely to develop breast cancer later (between 50 - 60 years old), compared to those who were inactive. Tweet Tweet Avoid pulling all-nighters to keep your brain healthy. In a Swedish study of healthy young men, total sleep deprivation for 1 night resulted in roughly a 20% increase in blood levels of proteins associated with neuronal damage in the brain. Tweet Tweet Get 7 hours of good sleep each night. In a study of 23,995 women between the ages of 40-79, women who slept less than 6 hrs compared to those who sleep 7 hours per night had a 62% increase in the risk of breast cancer. Tweet Tweet Try to eat one ounce of nuts (about a shot glass full) every single day. A thirty-year study found that eating nuts 7 times a week or more reduced risk of dying by 20%. Tweet Tweet As a member of The DiY Health Revolution you have the power to build your HEALTH WEALTH.