Do iT Yourself Health Revolution
Do iT Yourself Health Revolution
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Fact based on evidence:
A thirty-year study found that eating nuts
times a week or more reduced risk of dying by
New England Journal of Medicine
Fact based on evidence:
People who reported more than
7 hours
of recreational activity per week had:
lower risk of dying from cancer
lower risk of dying from colon cancer
lower risk of dying from liver cancer
lower risk of dying from lung cancer
Int J Cancer
. doi: 10.1002/ijc.28659.
Fact based on evidence:
The risk of a fatal heart attack increases
in women who sleep
5 hours
per night or less.
Arch Intern Med
. 2003;163(2):205-9.
Fact based on evidence:
12 minutes
of daily yoga meditation for 8 weeks reduced the activity of proinflammatory genes due to stress.
. 2013 Mar;38(3):348-55.
Fact based on evidence:
A study of
people found that eating just two baby carrots a day was associated with a
32% lower risk
of coronary heart disease.
British Journal of Nutrition
. 2011;106(10):1562–1569
Fact based on evidence:
No matter how active you are, people who cycle to work have a
reduced risk of dying compared to those who do not cycle to work.
Arch Intern Med
. 2000;160(11):1621-8.
Fact based on evidence:
People who sleep less than
6 hours
per night have almost double the risk of obesity compared to those who sleep
6 hours
or more.
Diabetes Care
. 2001;24(3):608.
Fact based on evidence:
study found that having a positive outlook reduced the risk of dying by
in people with diabetes.
Health Psychol
. 2008 Jan;27(1 Suppl):S73-82.
Fact based on evidence:
A study of
people showed that eating
of fish a day may decrease risk for colorectal cancer by 31%.
J Natl Cancer Inst
. 2005;97(12):906-16.
Fact based on evidence:
People who walked briskly at least
2.5 hours
per week had a
lower risk of developing diabetes.
Diabetes Care
. 2007;30(3):744-52.
Fact based on evidence:
A study of over
1 million
Americans reported that sleep duration below
6.5 hours
or above
7.5 hours
per night were associated with increased mortality.
Arch Gen Psychiatry
. 2002;59(2):131-6.
Sleep Med Rev
. 2010;14(3):191-203.
Fact based on evidence:
Stress management therapy in breast cancer patients decreased the expression of pro-metastatic genes, compared to women who did not have stress management therapy.
Biol Psychiatry
. 2012 Feb 15;71(4):366-72.
Fact based on evidence:
Mirthful laughter while watching a comedy for just 15-30 minutes can improve vascular function
Am J Cardiol
. 2010 Sep 15;106(6):856-9.
. 2006 Feb;92(2):261-2.
The Do iT Yourself Health Revolution is Growing!
This will be replaced with the Google Map.
Why DiY?
The current healthcare system is intrinsically flawed because it has been designed to chase and treat diseases, rather than keep people healthy in the first place.
Do iT Yourself Health Revolution addresses systemic failures in current healthcare systems:
Failure to integrate
— Highly compartmentalized knowledge exists at opposite poles: industrial medicine based on statistical averages is at odds with the health of the individual and traditional knowledge. Currently, the high cost, high tech health approaches dismiss or ignore low cost or no tech solutions.
Failure to Inform
— Widespread ignorance paradoxically exists within a glut of information. Individuals are not privy to knowledge that is controlled by professionals, corporations and governments. Forms of medical bias exist that reject alternative health approaches supported by thousands of years of effective practice.
Failure of Responsibility
— Individuals abdicate power and responsibility for their own health to professionals, supporting an industrialized treat-to-cure system, instead of a more logical approach to wellness. The healthcare industry is driven by the currency of sickness that is required to benefit its shareholders.
Failure to Ensure Access
— There is today no true equality or unqualified right to access in healthcare. The rich have more access than the poor, the doctor has more access than the patient, and the insured has much more access than the uninsured. Commercially-driven health services inherently favour the wealthy, and countries with national health service budgets adhere to the sickness and treatment model of healthcare, rather than wellness and prevention.
That’s why the Do iT Yourself Health Revolution puts you, the individual, firmly at the top and in control of your own health care.
Learn how
The Angiogenesis Foundation, in collaboration with musician-activist Peter Gabriel, is spearheading the Do iT Yourself Health Revolution
(DiY Health)—an outside-of-the-box solution to health and wellness that puts practical actions, informed by scientific evidence, into the hands of the people.
"The current healthcare system is intrinsically flawed because it has been designed to chase and treat diseases, rather than keep people healthy in the first place,” commented Dr. William Li, President and Medical Director of the Angiogenesis Foundation. “Our vision is to change this approach by equipping individuals across all ages and societies with ways to protect their own health."
The DiY Health Revolution harnesses the new science of wellness and guides users to form better lifestyle habits through diet, exercise, sleep and maintaining emotional well-being—the four pillars to wellness. By recommending easy steps to
, and
, DiY Health leverages state-of-the-art knowledge, cross-sector collaborations, mobile technology, and power of the people to establish health as a basic human right for everyone, anywhere in the world.
"It has been wonderful to watch how new technology, especially the mobile phone, has transformed industries by putting choice, control and power into the hands of the users," says Peter Gabriel, an advisor and supporter of the Angiogenesis Foundation. "This disruptive technology is, at last, beginning to hit healthcare and may enable it to reach all the world's population for the very first time."
The Angiogenesis Foundation
is the world’s first 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to improving health through angiogenesis, the process used by the body to grow new blood vessels. Angiogenesis is a “common denominator” of health and must be kept in balance to protect our well-being. Impacted by lifestyle choices and behaviors, an imbalance in angiogenesis can cause over 70 of the world’s most dreaded diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. The Angiogenesis Foundation works to help people lead healthier, longer lives by maintaining or restoring the balance to blood vessel growth.
Do iT Yourself Health Revolution
Healthcare must be fundamentally transformed if it is to have a chance of reaching the majority of the world's population.
Can the control of healthcare be shifted from sickness to wellness? From expensive and inaccessible to affordable and easily accessible? From national governments to individuals? What will be the catalysts that kickstart the expected revolution in healthcare? The convergence of knowledge, mobile technology, and individual users now makes the extraordinary possible. And the unsustainability of conventional healthcare, the growing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and the omnipresent threat of global pandemics bring the world to a tipping point.
Do iT Yourself Health Revolution
will allow a holistic integration of high and low tech, futuristic and traditional, and the personal and the social. It allows users of mobile technology to access and contribute knowledge for decision making that impacts health, wellness, and prevention. Users are empowered to create personal health ecosystems that connect with big data resources. When guided by an intelligent, open-minded approach that embraces all evidence-based health information regardless of geographic, cultural, or historical origins, individual users will not only maintain their own health, but their data can create the structure for a one world health system.
The Do iT Yourself Health Revolution puts you, the individual, firmly at the top, in control of your own health care, and will equip you with a mobile toolbox that allows you to:
Inform yourself
– access a well of wellness of all evidence-based health knowledge, experience, and advice.
Monitor yourself
- measure and assess health-related performance parameters daily (including diet, exercise, rest, mood, and physiological metrics) using quantified self tools.
Grow it yourself
– cultivate fruits, vegetables, herbs, and other plants for affordable cures and dietary prevention.
Care for yourself
– develop, using all existing data, an individualized lifestyle and wellness program that enables you to deal with all your health issues.
The Do iT Yourself Health Revolution promotes pragmatic actions supported by modern research to foster individual health, easily extended to your family and community:
Many bioactive components present in vegetables, fruits, grain, nuts, and plant oils influence the body’s self-defense systems such as angiogenesis, immunity, and anti-inflammation. Ongoing scientific, clinical, and public health research also brings modern credence to some traditional remedies, such as chicken soup, tea, honey, citrus, turmeric, apples, among others.
Regular physical activity in many forms activates biochemical pathways in the body that protect against cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular, neurodegenerative, and other non-communicable diseases. These help explain the benefits of cultural practices, such as tai chi, dance, running, and other activities.
Restorative sleep maintains wellness with benefits including reduced risk for cancer, cardiovascular, diabetes, obesity, and other disease conditions. Good sleep, which can be cultivated, measured, and monitored, is increasingly vital in an accelerating and turbulent world.
Emotional and behavioural solutions
Laughter and humour resist and prevent stress and depression, factors that lower immunity, vascular health, and disease resistance. Research now clearly connects emotional, mental, and physical wellness, supporting the benefits of other calming practices, such as meditation, tickling and yoga.
The Payoff of the Do iT Yourself Health Revolution is
Health Wealth
. We believe people are more likely to take responsibility for their wellness if they have precise and immediate feedback and a frame of reference, which we propose would use the metaphor of wealth. Users might even be incentivized to invest in wellness through an innovative virtual wellness currency.
Connected individuals can participate in the collective health "hive" eco-system by contributing their own knowledge to an open-source system of pooled data, experience, observations, anecdotes, and expertise. Connected properly together, individual users will have the power to create a truly transformative personal healthcare program and a truly democratic one world health system.